The <blockquote> tag is used for indicating a block of longer quotation (i.e. quotation including multiple lines or paragraphs). In simple terms, it defines a block of quotation that is taken from another source. Mostly the browser indents the text from both left and right with a white space margin (5 spaces) and this tag renders with paragraph breaks. It is used only for long quotations; if you need to use short quotes then you can use <q> tag. You can use multiple <blockquote> tags in your web page. This tag must have a start <blockquote> tag and an end </blockquote> tag. If you don't want to use a blockquote tag, you can use css in place of blockquote tag. See in the following code and output.Syntax<blockquote
cite="URL of source information"class="class name(s)"dir="ltr | rtl"id="unique alphanumeric identifier"lang="language code"style="style information" title="advisory text">
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