A Datalist tag represents a list of options that represent predefined options for other controls. The <datalist> tag can be used in conjunction with an <input> tag that contains a list of selectable data as a drop down list of input values which contains only legal values. DataList is not visible to the user, but it is associated with the <input> tag through the <input> tag list attribute that takes as its value the id attribute value of the <datalist> tag. The drop down predefined list displays when user enters any value in the text field. You can say a <datalist> tag provides an auto-complete feature on form tags.Syntax<input id="" name="" type="text" list="DataList_ID" /><datalist id="DataList_ID"><option value="A"><option value="B"><option value="C"><option value="D"><option value="E"></datalist>
HTML5 Event Attributes
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