GameWindow is the object which shows XNA Games/Applications inside.And as every game or application has a window,GameWindow object is a must-have in XNA. Lets take a look at its structure then make an example how to use it: We can allow user to resize the GameWindow setting AllowUserResizing to true: We can transite from windowed mode to full screen or full screen to windowed mode using BeginDeviceChange function: Using ClientBounds you can get X,Y,Width and Height values of the GameWindow: On ClientSizeChanged function if the user or dynamically in code the Client Size(Width or Height) changes,then this event raises: To get the current Orientation use CurrentOrientation.This is much more useful in Windows Phone or ZUNE games: To change screen devices use EndScreenDeviceChange: Window.Handle is very useful.It helps you to add anything on the specified handle.You can work it like a Windows Forms if you want. This event raises when user or device changes its orientation.More useful in Windows Phone and Zune Device: You can get Screen Device Name using ScreenDeviceName: After changing the screen device,this event raises: Title is as you well know is the header of the GameWindow.You can write anything there: And now lets make a sample on how to use it: AllowUserResizing: When we dont set it true,it look like we cant resize it.But if you set it to true using: Window.AllowUserResizing = true; To get the Orientation of the Window use: Window.Title= Window.CurrentOrientation.ToString();
You can see a "Default" value in the Windows Title property. Lets have a look at which Orientations are there in a DisplayOrientation: Default: it is the default orientation when first run. LanscapeLeft: The display is rotated counterclockwise ninety degrees into a landscape presentation, where the width is greater than the height. LandscapeRight: The display is rotated clockwise ninety degrees into a landscape presentation, where the width is greater than the height. Portrait: The orientation is a portrait presentation, where the height is greater than the width. To get screen device name use: Window.Title = Window.ScreenDeviceName;
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