This chapter is taken from book
"Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010" by Patrice Pelland, Pascel Pare, and
Ken Haines published for Microsoft Press.
After reading this chapter on debugging, you will be able to
- Use the new debugger features of Microsoft
Visual Studio 2010
- Create unit tests and execute them in
Visual Studio 2010
- Compare what was available to you or see
what was different for you as a developer in Visual Studio 2003
As we were writing this book, we realized how
much the debugging tools and developer aids have evolved over the last three
versions of Visual Studio. Focusing on debugging an application and writing unit
tests just increases the opportunities we have to work with Visual Studio 2010.
Visual Studio 2010 Debugging Features
In this chapter, you'll go through the different debugging features using a
modified Plan My Night application. If you installed the companion content at
the default location, you'll find the modified Plan My Night application at the
following location: %userprofile%\Documents\Microsoft Press\Moving to Visual
Studio 2010\Chapter 3\Code. Double-click the PlanMyNight.sln file.
First, before diving into the debugging session itself, you'll need to set up a
few things:
- In Solution Explorer, ensure that
PlanMyNight.Web is the startup project. If the project name is not in bold,
right-click on PlanMyNight.Web and select Set As StartUp Project.
- To get ready for the next steps, in the
PlanMyNight.Web solution open the Global.asax.cs file by clicking the
triangle beside the Global.asax folder and then double-clicking the
Global.asax.cs file as shown in Figure 3-1.
FIGURE 3-1 Solution Explorer before opening the file Global.asax.cs
Managing Your Debugging Session
Using the Plan My Night application, you'll examine how a developer can manage
and share breakpoints. And with the use of new breakpoint enhancements, you'll
learn how to inspect the different data elements in the application in a much
faster and more efficient way. You'll also look at new minidumps and the
addition of a new intermediate language (IL) interpreter that allows you to
evaluate managed code properties and functions during minidump debugging.
New Breakpoint Enhancements
At this point, you have the Global.ascx.cs file opened in your editor. The
following steps walk you through some ways to manage and share breakpoints:
1. Navigate to the Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
method, and set a breakpoint on the line that reads var url =
HttpContext.Current.Request.Url; by clicking in the left margin or pressing F9.
Look at Figure 3-2 to see this in action.
FIGURE 3-2 Creating a breakpoint
2. Press F5 to start the application in
debug mode. You should see the developer Web server starting in the system tray
and a new browser window opening. The application should immediately stop at the
breakpoint you just created. The Breakpoints window might not be visible even
after starting the application in debug mode. If that is the case, you can make
it visible by going to the Debug menu and selecting Windows and then
Breakpoints, or you can use the following keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+D+B.
Visual Studio 2003 Here is an area where there's a night-and-day difference
between Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2010. Thankfully, the ease of
debugging in Visual Studio 2010 is not comparable to the pain developers
experienced in Visual Studio 2003.
Debugging Web applications in Visual Studio 2003 required you to complete a
series of careful tasks to be successful. For instance, you had to enable
debugging in a few different places in the Configuration Manager; you had to
configure IIS carefully to avoid getting the dreaded Temporary ASP.NET Files
Access Denied security exception. Basically, it was not developer friendly; it
required lots of configuration and still there was no guarantee of success. Many
articles were written to help solve the intricacies of debugging an ASP.NET Web
application with Internet Information Services (IIS) 5 and 6 and Visual Studio
2003. A good reference that you might have consulted a few times is this one: . Many of those
blogs or articles were just there to allow professional developers to debug on
their workstations. Doing some research in online forums revealed how much folks
like you were struggling for years through dozens of tough Web application
debugging situations. For instance, debugging an ASP.NET application along with
a few Web services was quite a challenge to set up.
The creation of the personal Web server (also known as "Cassini") improved
things tremendously, but a few enhancements in Visual Studio 2010 make it easier
to modify the necessary configuration files, modify project settings, and deploy
to IIS. These improvements help developers write good code and and spend less
time trying to debug it. You'll find that it definitely feels different to debug
in Visual Studio 2010-you'll find it refreshing and easier.
You should now see the Breakpoints window as shown in Figure 3-3.
FIGURE 3-3 Breakpoints window
3. In the same method, add three more
breakpoints so that the editor and the Breakpoints window look like those shown
in Figure 3-4.
FIGURE 3-4 Code editor and Breakpoints window with three new breakpoints
Visual Studio 2003 As a reader and a professional developer who used Visual
Studio 2003 often, you probably noticed a series of new buttons as well as new
fields in the Breakpoints window in this exercise. As a reminder, take a look at
Figure 3-5 for a quick comparison of what it looks like in Visual Studio 2003.
FIGURE 3-5 Visual Studio 2003 Breakpoints window
4. Notice that the Labels column is now available to help you
index and search breakpoints. It is a really nice and useful feature that Visual
Studio 2010 brings to the table. To use this feature, you simply right-click on
a breakpoint in the Breakpoints window and select Edit Labels or use the
keyboard shortcut Alt+F9, L. Take a look at Figure 3-6 as a reference.
FIGURE 3-6 Edit Labels option
5. In the Edit Breakpoint Labels window, add labels for the selected
breakpoint (which is the first one in the Breakpoints window). Type
ContextRequestUrl in the Type A New Label text box, and click Add. Repeat this
operation on the next breakpoint, and type a label name of Url. When you are
done, click OK. You should see a window that looks like Figure 3-7 while you are
entering them, and to the right you should see the Breakpoints window after you
are done with those two operations.
FIGURE 3-7 Adding labels that show up in the Breakpoints window
Note You can also right-click on the breakpoint in the left margin and
select Edit Labels to accomplish the same tasks just outlined.
Note You'll see that when adding labels
to a new breakpoint you can choose any of the existing labels you have already
entered. You'll find these in the Or Choose Among Existing Labels area, which is
shown in the Edit Breakpoint Labels dialog box on the left in Figure 3-7.
6. Using any of the ways you just learned, add labels for each of the
breakpoints and make sure your Breakpoints window looks like Figure 3-8 after
you're done.
FIGURE 3-8 Breakpoints window with all labels entered
When you have a lot of code and you are in the midst of a debugging session, it
would be great to be able to filter the displayed list of breakpoints. That's
exactly what the new Search feature in Visual Studio 2010 allows you to do.
7. To see the Search feature in action, just type url in the search text
box and you'll see the list of breakpoint is filtered down to breakpoints
containing url in one of their labels.
In a team environment where you have many developers and testers working
together, often two people at some point in time are working on the same bugs.
In Visual Studio 2003, the two people needed to sit near each other, send one
another screen shots, or send one another line numbers of where to put
breakpoints to refine where they should look while debugging a particular bug.
Important One of the great new additions to breakpoint management in Visual
Studio 2010 is that you can now export breakpoints to a file and then send them
to a colleague, who can then import them into his own environment. Another
scenario that this feature is useful for is to share breakpoints between
machines. We'll see how to do that next.
8. In the Breakpoints window, click the Export button to export your
breakpoints to a file, and then save the file on your desktop. Name the file
9. Delete all the breakpoints either by clicking the Delete All
Breakpoints Matching The Current Search Criteria button or by selecting all the
breakpoints and clicking the Delete The Selected Breakpoints button . The only
purpose of deleting them is to simulate two developers sharing them or one
developer sharing breakpoints between two machines.
10. You'll now import your breakpoints
by clicking the Import button and loading them from your desktop. Notice that
all your breakpoints with all of their properties are back and loaded in your
environment. For the purposes of this chapter, delete all the breakpoints.
Visual Studio 2003 Putting breakpoints in client-side code (JavaScript) and
stopping and tracing was not really friendly. As a developer, you had to place a
debugger (or stop in VBScript) statement in your client-side code and then trace
into the code. But there was no IntelliSense support for client-side code. In
Visual Studio 2010, you get great support for JavaScript as well as for the
latest jQuery iteration. It was already good in Visual Studio 2008, but the
integration in Visual Studio 2010 is faster and you don't have to do anything to
get it.
Inspecting the Data
When you are debugging your applications, you know how much time one can spend
stepping into the code and inspecting the content of variables, arguments, and
so forth. Maybe you can remember when you were learning to write code, a while
ago, when debuggers weren't a reality or when they were really rudimentary. Do
you remember (maybe not-you might not be as old as we are) how many printf or
WriteLn statements you had to write to inspect the content of different data
Visual Studio 2010 From the days of Visual Studio 2003, there already was a big
improvement from the days of writing to the console with all kinds of statements
because we had a real debugger with new functionalities. New data visualizers
allowed you to see XML as a well-formed XML snippet and not as a long string.
Furthermore, with those data visualizers, you could view arrays in a more useful
way, with the list of elements and their indices, and you accomplished that by
simply hovering your mouse over the object. Take a look at Figure 3-9 for an
FIGURE 3-9 Collection view versus an array view in the debugger in Visual Studio
2010 and in Visual Studio 2003
Visual Studio 2003 In Visual Studio 2003, there
was no other way to do data visualizations apart from Watch, Locals, and Quick
Watch or some of the more rudimentary ways described earlier. You couldn't hover
over a field in an array to get its content. If you had XML or formatted text in
a string, you couldn't read it in any meaningful way other than opening Notepad
or another file in Visual Studio and pasting the content of a string to see the
formatted content of a variable.
Although those DataTip data visualization techniques are still available in
Visual Studio 2010, a few great enhancements have been added that make DataTips
even more useful. The DataTip enhancements have been added in conjunction with
another new feature of Visual Studio 2010, multimonitor support. Floating
DataTips can be valuable to you as a developer.Having the ability to put them on
a second monitor can make your life a lot easier while debugging because it
keeps the data that always needs to be in context right there on the second
The following steps demonstrate how to use these features:
1. In the Global.ascx.cs file, insert breakpoints on lines 89 and 91,
lines starting with the source code var authority and var pathAndQuery,
2. You are now going to experiment with the new DataTip features. Start
the debugger by pressing F5. When the debugger hits the first breakpoint, move
your mouse over the word url and click on the pushpin as seen in Figure 3-10.
FIGURE 3-10 The new DataTip pushpin feature
3. To the right of the line of code, you should see the pinned DataTip
(as seen in Figure 3-11 on the left). If you hover your mouse over the DataTip,
you'll get the DataTip management bar (as seen in Figure 3-11 on the right).
FIGURE 3-11 On the left is the pinned DataTip, and on the right is the DataTip
management bar
Note You should also see in the breakpoint gutter a blue pushpin
indicating that the DataTip is pinned. The pushpin should look like this: .
Because you have a breakpoint on that line, the pushpin is actually underneath
it. To see the pushpin, just toggle the breakpoint by clicking on it in the
gutter. Toggle once to disable the breakpoint and another time to get it back.
Note If you click on the double arrow
pointing down in the DataTip management bar, you can insert a comment for this
DataTip, as shown in Figure 3-12. You can also remove the DataTip altogether by
clicking the X button in the DataTip management bar.
FIGURE 3-12 Inserting a comment for a DataTip
4. One nice feature of the new DataTip is that you can insert any
expression to be evaluated right there in your debugging session. For instance,
right-click on the DataTip name, in this case on url, select Add Expression,
type authority, and then add another one like this: (authority != null). You'll
see that the expressions are evaluated immediately and will continue to be
evaluated for the rest of the debugging session every time your debugger stops
on those breakpoints. At this point in the debugging session, the expression
should evaluate to null and false, respectively.
5. Press F10 to execute the line where the debugger stopped, and look at
the url DataTip as well as both expressions. They should contain values based on
the current context. Take a look at Figure 3-13 to see this in action.
FIGURE 3-13 The url pinned DataTip with the two evaluated expressions
6. Although it is nice to be able to have a mini-watch window where it
matters-right there where the code is executing-you can also see that it is
superimposed on the source code being debugged. Keep in mind that you can move
the DataTip window anywhere you want in the code editor by simply dragging it.
Take a look at Figure 3-14 for an example.
FIGURE 3-14 Move the pinned DataTip away from the source code
7. Because it is pinned, the DataTip
window stays where you pinned it, so it will not be in view if you trace into
another file. But in some cases, you need the DataTip window to be visible at
all times. For instance, keeping it visible is interesting for global variables
that are always in context or for multimonitor scenarios. To move a DataTip, you
have to first unpin it by clicking the pushpin in the DataTip management bar.
You'll see that it turns yellow. That indicates you can now move it wherever you
want-for instance, over Solution Explorer, to a second monitor, over your
desktop, or to any other window. Take a look at Figure 3-15 for an example.
FIGURE 3-15 Unpinned DataTip over Solution Explorer and the Windows desktop
Note If the DataTip is not pinned, the debugger stops in another file and
method, and the DataTip contains items that are out of context, the DataTip
windows will look like Figure 3-16. You can retry to have the debugger evaluate
the value of an element by clicking on this button: . However, if that element
has no meaning in this context, it's possible that nothing happens.
FIGURE 3-16 DataTip window with out-of-context items
Note You'll get an error message if you try to pin outside the editor, as seen
in Figure 3-17.
FIGURE 3-17 Error message that appears when trying to pin a DataTip outside the
code editor
Note Your port number might be different
than in the screen shots just shown. This is normal-it is a random port used by
the personal Web server included with Visual Studio.
Note You can also pin any child of a pinned item. For instance, if you look at
url and expand its content by pressing the plus sign (+), you'll see that you
can also pin a child element, as seen in Figure 3-18.
FIGURE 3-18 Pinned child element within the url DataTip
8. Before stopping the debugger, go back to the Global.ascx.cs if you are
not already there and re-pin the DataTip window. Then stop the debugging session
by clicking the Stop Debugging button in the debug toolbar () or by pressing
Shift+F5. Now if you hover your mouse over the blue pushpin in the breakpoint
gutter, you'll see the values from the last debug session which is a nice
enhancement over the watch window. Take a look at Figure 3-19 for what you
should see.
FIGURE 3-19 Values from the last debug session for a pinned DataTip
Note As with the breakpoints, you can export or import the DataTips by
going to the Debug menu and selecting Export DataTips or Import DataTips,
Using the Minidump Debugger
Many times in real-world situations, you'll have access to a minidump from your
product support team. Apart from their bug descriptions and repro steps, it
might be the only thing you have to help debug a customer application. Visual
Studio 2010 adds a few enhancements to the minidump debugging experience.
Visual Studio 2003 In Visual Studio 2003, you could debug managed application or
minidump files, but you had to use an extension if your code was written in
managed code. You had to use a tool called SOS and load it in the debugger using
the Immediate window. You had to attach the debugger both in native and managed
mode, and you couldn't expect to have information in the call stack or Locals
window. You had to use commands for SOS in the Immediate window to help you go
through minidump files. With application written in native code, you used normal
debugging windows and tools. To read more about this or just to refresh your
knowledge of the topic, you can read the Bug Slayer column in MSDN magazine
Let's see the new enhancements to the minidump debugger. First you need to
create a crash from which you'll be able to generate a minidump file:
1. In Solution Explorer in the PlanMyNight.Web project, rename the file
Default.aspx to DefaultA.aspx. Note the A appended to the word "Default."
2. Make sure you have no breakpoints left in your project. To do that,
look in the Breakpoints window and delete any breakpoints left there using any
of the ways you learned earlier in the chapter.
3. Press F5 to start debugging the application. Depending on your machine
speed, soon after the build process is complete you should see an unhandled
exception of type HttpException. Although the bug is simple in this case, let's
go through the steps of creating the minidump file and debugging it. Take a look
at Figure 3-20 to see what you should see at this point.
FIGURE 3-20 The unhandled exception you should expect
4. It is time to create the minidump file for this exception. Go to the
Debug menu, and select Save Dump As as seen in Figure 3-21. You should see the
name of the process from which the exception was thrown. In this case, the
process from which the exception was thrown was Cassini or the Personal Web
Server in Visual Studio. Keep the file name proposed (WebDev.WebServer40.dmp),
and save the file on your desktop. Note that it might take some time to create
the file because the minidump file size will be close to 300 MB.
FIGURE 3-21 Saving the minidump file
5. Stop Debugging by pressing Shift+F5 or the Stop Debugging button.
6. Next, go to the File menu and close your solution.
7. In the File menu, click Open and point to the desktop to load your
minidump file named WebDev.WebServer40.dmp. Doing so opens the Minidump File
Summary page, which gives you some summary information about the bug you are
trying to fix. (Figure 3-22 shows what you should see.) Before you start to
debug, you'll get basic information from that page such as the following:
process name, process architecture, operating system version, CLR version,
modules loaded, as well as some actions you can take from that point. From this
place, you can set the paths to the symbol files. Conveniently, the Modules list
contains the version and path on disk of your module, so finding the symbols and
source code is easy. The CLR version is 4.0; therefore, you can debug here in
Visual Studio 2010.
FIGURE 3-22 Minidump summary page
8. To start debugging, locate the Actions list on the right side of the
Minidump File Summary page and click Debug With Mixed.
9. You should see almost immediately a first-chance exception like the
one shown in Figure 3-23. In this case, it tells you what the bug is; however,
this won't always be the case. Continue by clicking the Break button.
FIGURE 3-23 First-chance exception
10. You should see a green line indicating which instruction caused the
exception. If you look at the source code, you'll see in your Autos window that
the controllerExport variable is null, and just before that we specified that if
the variable was null we wanted to have an HttpException thrown if the file to
load was not found. In this case, the file to look for is Default.aspx, as you
can see in the Locals window in the controllerName variable. You can glance at
many other variables, objects, and so forth in the Locals and Autos windows
containing the current context. Here, you have only one call that belongs to
your code, so the call stack indicates that the code before and after is
external to your process. If you had a deeper chain of calls in your code, you
could step back and forth in the code and look at the variables. Figure 3-24
shows a summary view of all that.
FIGURE 3-24 Autos, Locals, and Call Stack windows, and the next instruction to
11. OK, you found the bug, so stop the debugging by pressing Shift+F5 or
clicking the Stop Debugging button. Then fix the bug by reloading the
PlanMyNight solution and renaming the file back to default.aspx. Then rebuild
the solution by going to the Build menu and selecting Rebuild Solution. Then
press F5, and the application should be working again.
Web.Config Transformations
This next new feature, while small, is one that will delight many developers
because it saves them time while debugging. The feature is the Web.Config
transformations that allow you to have transform files that show the differences
between the debug and release environments. As an example, connection strings
are often different from one environment to the other; therefore, by creating
transform files with the different connection strings-because ASP.NET provides
tools to change (transform) web.config files-you'll always end up with the right
connection strings for the right environment. To learn more about how to do
this, take a look at the following article on MSDN:
Creating Unit Tests
Most of the unit test framework and tools are unchanged in Visual Studio 2010
Professional. It is in other versions of Visual Studio 2010 that the change in
test management and test tools is really apparent. Features such as UI Unit
Tests, IntelliTrace, and Microsoft Test Manager 2010 are available in other
product versions like Visual Studio 2010 Premium and
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. To see which
features are covered in the Application Lifecycle Management and for more
specifics, refer to the following article on MSDN:
Visual Studio 2003 With Visual Studio 2003, your options to create unit tests
and execute them were limited to third-party tools and frameworks like nUnit and
other commercial products created by Microsoft partners.
In this part of the chapter, we'll simply show you how to add a unit test for a
class you'll find in the Plan My Night application. We won't spend time defining
what a unit test is or what it should contain; rather, we'll show you within
Visual Studio 2010 how to add tests and execute them.
You'll add unit tests to the Plan My Night application for the Print Itinerary
Add-in. To create unit tests, open the solution from the companion content
folder. If you do not remember how to do this, you can look at the first page of
this chapter for instructions. After you have the solution open, just follow
these steps:
1. In Solution Explorer, expand the project PlanMyNight.Web and then
expand the Helpers folder. Then double-click on the file ViewHelper.cs to open
it in the code editor. Take a look at Figure 3-25 to make sure you are at the
right place.
FIGURE 3-25 The PlanMyNight.Web project and ViewHelper.cs file in Solution
2. In the code editor, you can add unit tests in two different ways. You
can right-click on a class name or on a method name and select Create Unit
Tests. You can also go to the Test menu and select New Test. We'll explore the
first way of creating unit tests. This way Visual Studio automatically generates
some source code for you. Right-click the GetFriendlyTime method, and select
Create Unit Tests. Figure 3-26 shows what it looks like.
FIGURE 3-26 Contextual menu to create unit tests from by right-clicking on a
class name
3. After selecting Create Unit Tests, you'll be presented with a dialog
that, by default, shows the method you selected from that class. To select where
you want to create the unit tests, click on the drop-down combo box at the
bottom of this dialog and select PlanMyNight.Web.Tests. If you didn't have an
existing location, you would have simply selected Create A New Visual C# Test
Project from the list. Figure 3-27 shows what you should be seeing.
FIGURE 3-27 Selecting the method you want to create a unit test against
4. After you click OK, the dialog
switches to a test-case generation mode and displays a progress bar. After this
is complete, a new file is created named TimeHelperTest.cs that has
autogenerated code stubs for you to modify.
5. Remove the method and its attributes because you'll create three new
test cases for that method. Remove the following code:
test for GetFriendlyTime
// TODO: Ensure that the UrlToTest
attribute specifies a URL to an ASP.NET page (for example,// http://.../Default.aspx).
This is necessary for the unit test to be executed on the web server,// whether
you are testing a page, web service, or a WCF service.
public void
int totalMinutes = 0;
// TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
string expected =
string.Empty; // TODO:
Initialize to an appropriate value
string actual;
actual = TimeHelper.GetFriendlyTime(totalMinutes);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the
correctness of this test method.");
6. Add the three simple test cases validating three key scenarios used by
PlanMyNight. To do that, insert the following source code right below the method
attributes that were left behind when you deleted the block of code in step 5:
public void
public void
public void
Assert.AreEqual("2h 3m",
7. In the PlanMyNight.Web.Tests
project, create a solution folder called Helpers. Then move your
TimeHelperTests.cs file to that folder so that your project looks like Figure
3-28 where you are done.
FIGURE 3-28 TimeHelperTest.cs in its Helpers folder
8. It is time to execute your newly created tests. To execute only your
newly created tests, go into the code editor and place your cursor on the class
named public class TimeHelperTest. Then you can either go to the Test menu,
select Run, and finally select Test In Current Context or accomplish the same
thing using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+R, T. Look at Figure 3-29 for a
FIGURE 3-29 Test execution menu
9. Performing this action executes only your three tests. You should see the
Test Results window (shown in Figure 3-30) appear at the bottom of your editor
with the test results.
FIGURE 3-30 Test Results window for your newly created tests
More Info Depending on what you select, you
might have a different behavior when you choose the Tests In Current Context
option. For instance, if you select a test method like ZeroReturnsSlash, you'll
execute only this test case. However, if you click outside the test class, you
could end up executing every test case, which is the equivalent of choosing All
Tests In Solution.
New Threads Window
The emegence of computers with multiple cores and the fact that language
features give developers many tools to take advantage of those cores creates a
new problem: the difficulty of debugging concurrency in applications. The new
Threads window enables you, the developer, to pause threads and search the
calling stack to see artifacts similar to those you see when using the famous
SysInternals Process Monitor (
You can display the Threads window by going to Debug and selecting Windows And
Threads while debugging an application. Take a look at Figure 3-31 to see the
Threads window as it appears while debugging Plan My Night.
FIGURE 3-31 Displaying the Threads window while debugging Plan My Night
The Threads window allows you to freeze threads and then thaw them whenever you
are ready to let them continue. It can be really useful when you are trying to
isolate particular effects. You can debug both managed code and unmanaged code.
If your application uses thread, you'll definitely love this new feature of the
debugger in Visual Studio 2010.
Visual Studio 2003 In Visual Studio 2003, the Thread window was rudimentary. It
enabled you to suspend or switch to a thread. It was tough to know more about
those threads because you didn't have any more information from within Visual
Studio 2003. There was no filtering, call-stack searching and expansion, and
grouping. The columns were in a fixed order. Back then, the notion of multiple
cores existed but wasn't as much in use as it is today. Furthermore, developing
for multicore CPUs wasn't facilitated by the .NET Framework in any way like it
is today with .NET 4.0 and libraries like PLINQ.
In this chapter, you learned how to manage your debugging sessions by using new
breakpoint enhancements and employing new data-inspection and data-visualization
techniques.You also learned how to use the new minidump debugger and tools to
help you solve real customer problems from the field. The chapter also showed
you how to raise the quality of your code by writing unit tests and how Visual
Studio 2010 Professional can help you do this. Multicore machines are now the
norm, and so are multithreaded applications. Therefore, the fact that Visual
Studio 2010 Professional has specific debugger tools for finding issues in
multithreaded applications is great news.
Finally, throughout this chapter you also saw how Visual Studio 2010
Professional has raised the bar in terms of debugging applications and has given
professional developers the tools to debug today's feature-rich experiences. You
saw that it is a clear improvement over what was available in Visual Studio
2003. The exercises in this chapter scratched the surface of how you'll save
time and money by moving to this new debugging environment and showed that
Visual Studio 2010 is more than a small iteration in the evolution of Visual
Studio. It represents a huge leap in productivity for developers. The gap
between Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2010 in terms of debugging is less
severe than in earlier versions. The quantity of information provided by the
debugger, the way to visualize the information, and the ease of use and
configuration of the projects are the biggest changes that help you be more
productive. You'll also see in the next chapter how easy it is to deploy Web
applications, their databases, IIS settings, and all of their configurations.
The various versions of Visual Studio 2010 give you a great list of improvements
related to the debugger and testing. My personal favorites are IntelliTrace-
is available only in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and Microsoft Test
Manager.IntelliTrace enables test teams to have much better experiences using
Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2010 Team Foundation Server-