- Operations like changing the fixed length
datatype to Variable length data type. For instance, Char(10) is a fixed
length datatype and If we store "Venkat" as data. The space occupied by this
name is 6 and remaining 4 spaces will be wasted in the legacy system.
Whereas, In SQL Server 2008, it is utilised effectively. Only 6 spaces will
be given to this variable.
- Removal of Null value and zeros. These
values will not be stored in the disk. Instead, they will have a reference
in the CI Structure.
- Reduce the amount of metadata used to
store the row.
2. Page Level Compression: This compression
will be effective in the page level.
- This compression follows Row Level
Compression. On top of that, Page level compression will work.
- Prefix Compression - This compression will
work on the column level. Repeated data will be removed and a reference will
be stored in the Compression information (CI) structure which is located
next to the page header.
- Dictionary Compression - This compression
will be implemented as a whole on the page. It will remove all the repeated
data and a reference will be placed on the page.
How it works:
Considering, If you a user is requesting for a data. In that case, Relational
Engine will take care of getting the request compile, parse and it will request
the data from the Storage engine.
Now, our data is in the compressed format. Storage engine will send the
compressed data to the Buffer cache which in turn will take care of sending the
data to relational engine in uncompressed format. Relational engine will do the
modifications on the uncompressed data and it will send the same to buffer
cache. Buffer cache will take care of compressing the data and have it for
future use. In turn, it will send a copy to the Storage Engine.
- More data will be stored in the Buffer
cache. So, no need to go and search in the disk which inturn reduce the I/O.
- Disk space is highly reduced.
- More CPU cycles will be used to decompress
the data.
- It will be a negative impact, if the data
doesn't have more null values, zeros and compact/exact data (Equivalent to
the declared data type).