Create Virtual Machine (VM) In Microsoft Azure (Step By Step)

What is a Virtual Machine (VM)

In computing, a virtual machine is an emulation of a particular computer system. Virtual machines operate based on the computer architecture and functions of a real or hypothetical computer, and their implementations may involve specialized hardware, software, or a combination of both.

Now I will show how to create Virtual machine Azure (step by Step)

Firstly, go to Azure portal and Sign in to your Account (if you’re having problem then please follow my Article). I have described all the things in this .

1. Go to Azure portal you will see the following screen and after that click on “Virtual Machine".

And then click on “New “.

After clicking on “New “ you will be provided with two options.

a. Quick Create: If you will choose QUICK CREATE, then you have to Configure it manually.

b. From Gallery: If you will choose from Gallery you will be provided with a lot of Virtual Machines there and you can choose From there and Create! You have to choose one image from the gallery which you want to install in your virtual machine.

So now I will choose from Gallery and install “Windows10 enterprise“. Installing virtual machine from Gallery is one of the easiest way to install virtual machine in Azure. So now from gallery I have chosen Ubuntu server and then I will click Aero as shown in the following screenshot,

So now you need to fill up some information about your Virtual Machine as in the following screenshot,

You need to fill the following,

Virtual machine name: Give the desired name of your VM.

Tier: Choose one Basic or Standard.

Size: You can choose different size from the list.

User name: Choose user name for login.

Provide a Password, then Click on Next Arrow

After that choose “Cloud Service “ then “Cloud service DNS name” and then Region and then click on next ARROW.

7. After that you will see the following screenshot and then choose if you want to VM agent or not.

If you want then leave the check box as it is you don’t want then uncheck it and then click on Yes Sign below there in the Corner.

VM AGENT: The VM agent is used to install and manage extensions that help you interact with the virtual machine.

The VM agent can’t be disabled when deploying from a Linux image. For Windows user disks and Linux user images and disks, a version of the VM agent that supports extensions must already be installed in the OS.

8. After clicking OK it will take some time to create
“Virtual Machine “.

9. After some time you will see that your “Virtual Machine” is ready and “Running”.

Now to connect to the virtual Machine click on “Connect“. After clicking you will be provided with a File, save that file. It would be like windows10.rdp


10. Now click on the file you got. After clicking on 
Connect you will see the following window,


Click on Connect.

Now it will connect to Virtual Machine.

After that you will see the preceding screen. Choose “Use Another Account “ and enter the Credentials that you have given at the time when you were creating Virtual Machine.

Now it will connect you to your Virtual Machine shortly.

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