Import Excel Data Into QlikView


We can easily import Excel data into a QlikView application using a chart, list box and table box.

Step 1:
Open the QlikView application, then go to:

"File" -> "New"

Then the following window will be opened:

After clicking New option

Step 2:
Now open the window of Edit Script using:

"File" -> "Edit Script"

Then the following window will be opened:

Window of edit script

Step 3
: The next step is to simply click on "Table Files" and open our Excel file.

Click on table file

Step 4:
After opening the Excel file, this window will be opened; click on the "Next" button.

File Wizard

Step 5:
 After clicking on the "Next" button this window will be opened; click on the "Next" button.

Enable Transformation

Step 6:
After clicking on the "Next" button, the File Wizard Options window will be opened; simply click on the "Clause" button.

file wizard options

Step 7: Where Clause window:
In this window we select the field and 0p/Func and constant and click on the "Cancel" button-

Clause window

Step 8: Code of Edit Script
: this  window shows the code and reloads it.

code of edit script

Step 9: Sheet Property Window:
After reloading the edit script the next step is to select the field.

field select

Step 10: Main Window:
It is the main window that displays the selected field.

main window

Step 11: Add a new sheet and create a List Box:
The next step is to create a new sheet and in this sheet create a list box.

new sheet

 Then create a list box in the new sheet.

list box

Step 12: New List Box
Window and select Field: In this window we select the field for the list box.

New List Box

Step 13:
Create a table box: It is the main window that displays the selected field and creates a table box.

table window

Step 14: New Table Box
Window and selected Field: In this window we select the field for the table box in the General tab and then click on the "Number" tab.

new table box

Step 15: In Number Tab
: In the number tab, we select these properties and click on the "Apply" button.

number property

Step 16: Select a chart: If we want to select a chart, then right-click in some whitespace in the Sheet1 window.

select a chart

Step 17: In General Window:
In this we select the chart type and define the window title then click on the "Next" button-

General window

Step 18:
 In Dimension Window: In this we select the field then click on the "Next" button.

Dimension window

Step 19: In Edit Expression Window:
In this we select the field and paste it, then click on the "OK" button.

Expression window

Step 20: In Expression Window:
In this window normally we just click on the "Finish" button.

Exp window

Step 21:
This is the last and main window.

main2 window


This article described how to import our Excel data into a QlikView application.

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