Today we will look over Calendar, an important feature in all the SharePoint products.
I don't know how far I was with it but when I needed it for my own requirements I just must remember it again.
Yes the Calendar has new live features from Microsoft, let's see what it has.
On the screen below you can see the default panel for the Calendar where on the left you have navigation showing various months and views and the calendar having a month view as the default view for the calendar.
![event option in sharepoint]()
To understand it better let's create an event:
- Go to the Events part of the calendar as in the following:
![event option in sharepoint]()
- Click on New Event as in the following:
![click new event]()
- You will see the form below.
![colendar setup in sharepoint]()
- The form consists of the following parts:
- Title
- Location
- Start Time
- End Time
- Description
- Category: There are some default categories as you can see below but you can assign new values also to your event.
![select option]()
- All Day Event: If you make this an all-day event, you will not be able to assign a specific time to the event and it will be active throughout the day.
- Recurrence: Making it a recurrence event you can configure the repetition of the events as when other days you want this event to be occurring again.
- Once you click on Save the event on the calendar will be visible in this way as we can see on the screen as Calendar Testing.
![Calendar Testing]()
Now let's see what the ribbon offers under the Events Tab.
- Under New
- New Event: we just saw that creation of a new event.
![new event]()
- Under Manage
- View Event
- Edit Event
- Version History: Here you can see the version of the event created and modified.
- Event Permission: It is like a permission level of an item that you can share with the people you want to.
- Delete Event
- Under Actions
- Attach File: You can attach a document to your respective event.
- Under Share and Track
- Alert Me: You can assign an alert for the users on each addition and modification of the event.
- Under Workflows
- Workflows: An option to attach the designer workflows.
- Approve/ Reject: This is an option to assign tasks to the users that can be approved and rejected.
- Under Tags and Notes
- Tags and Notes: You can tag your event to remember it always and the notes are part of the news feed for the public users.
- Now let's see what the ribbon offers under the Calendar Tab.
![colendar tab]()
The calendar tab is differentiated into the following classifications:
- Under Scope
- Under scope we have the views for:
- Under Expand
- Expand All: Users can expand the calendar frame so that all the events are visible.
- Collapse All: In a similar way users can collapse the calendar frame.
- Under Manage Views
- Calendars Overlay: This is a new feature in this new product where you can add 10 additional calendars to a view together that will help the users to have a look at up to 10 calendars together.
![Calendars Overlay]()
- We have the basic functionalities of Create View, Modify View, Create Column and change the view.
- Under Tags and Notes
- Tags and Notes: You can tag your event to remember it always and the notes are part of news feed for the public users.
- Under Share and Track
- Email a link: By directly clicking on the link, the user can send the URL of this calendar on a single click.
- Alert Me: You can assign an alert for the users on each addition and modification of the event.
- RSS Feed: Here users can update the feeds respective to their selected calendar.
- Under Connect and Export
- Connect to Outlook: A very important feature where you can connect your calendar with the outllook's calendar on a single click as in the screen shot below.
![Connect to Outlook]()
Here we can see both Outlook's (on the left) and SharePoint's calendars (on the right) connected together.
- Export to Excel: Here users can export all the data or events to an Excel in a neat format.
- Open with Access: Here users have an option to open their event using Access.
- Under Customize List
- Edit List: Here you can edit the calendar using SharePoint Designer.
- Form Web Parts: Here you can edit the new, edit and view forms containing the default web parts.
- Nintex Forms: This is an option to connect to Nintex form and customize your even form using Nintex.
- Under Settings
- List settings: This is the link to the list settings page of the Calendar.
- Nintex Workflow: This is the settings to configure Nintex Workflows to the Calendar
- Workflow Settings: This is the settings to configure SharePoint Designer Workflows to the Calendar.
With many new functionalities, the Calendar looks awesome with new features and a new look.
Indeed we are all aware of how important the role is being played by the users, hence a very important feature of SharePoint.
So, keep learning.