Please follow these links for hardware and software requirements for installing SharePoint 2013 and Active Directory installation and configuration,
After installing and configuring Active Directory, please create the following Active directory users,
Now I am going to install SQL Server 2012 in the same AD Server.
Unmount the SQL ISO,
Run Setup.exe
In this popup click Installation link,
Click New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.
Click Ok to continue setup,
Install SQL Server product updates, then click Next,
Click Next,
Enter a Product key for a new SQL Server feature installation,
Click Next,
Read and accept the terms and conditions.
Click next,
Check SQL Server Feature Installation.
Click Next,
- Database engine Services
- Analysis service
- Reporting services
- Reporting services for SharePoint
- Reporting server add ins for SharePoint products
- SQL server data tools
Click Next,
Click Next,
Create a New SQL Server instance, I have already created one instance and now create a new named instance manually.
Click Next
Click Next,
Add TRENSHAREPOINT\spsqlsvc for SQL Server Database and SQL Server analysis service,
Click Next
Click Next,
Add SPFarmsvc as a windows authenticated user.
Click Next
Click Next
Click Next
Click Next,
Click Next, then Install,
Installation Succeeded
Let us see in the next article how to install SharePoint 2013 in a different server.