Create New Repository On GitHub In Visual Studio With Universal Windows Platform

GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service. It offers all of the distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its own features.

In this post, I am going to tell you about source code save with GitHub Repository. Many developers create any application/project on their own system and they want to backup that project. But developers create many folders into the subfolder created for saving project and backup. In this situation he forgets and it's difficult to search where the project and  the backup file were. This method is used for system crash and other stages. It will not lose your project/application.

Step 1:

enter detail

Step 2: After clicking on the Create an Account button, you can see the following is visible:

click on the Create an Account

Step 3: When you click on the "New repository",

Click on the New Repositor

Step 4: Check the Email Address for Verification.

Email Address For Verification

Step 5: After the verification click again on New Repository and give the Repository Name. For example, BasicApplication and check the Public if you want free, else for Private you have to pay the amount. After that click Create repository button.

Step 6: HTTPS SHH path with the extension .git as in the following figure:


Step 7: Create a new project in your Visual Studio. Check on "Create directory for solution" and "Add to source control". After that click Ok.

Create a New Project

Step 8: After clicking the Ok Button check on the "Git" and click OK button.

Check on the git

Step 9: Both Method for Team Explorer can be seen and click on the Connect with GitHub.

Team Explorer

Step 10: Enter the Username/E-mail address and then click on Login.


Step 11:
After the Login, click on Clone for giving the project path from you system.

 Clone for give the project Path

Step 12: Click on Browse and give the project path.

Click on the Browser

Step 13: As shown in the figure for path, click OK and then click the Clone button.

Click the Button of Clone

Step 14: After that you can see that your application is successfully cloned. Here's the figure:

Clone your application

Step 15: Next right click on the project go to the Source Control and the click on the Commit. Here's the figure:

Click on the Project

Step 16: Write the comment for Commit message. This is required with comments and it will be not commit. Here's the figure:

Write the Comment

Step 17: After the complete comment click the Commit button. Click on the Sync as in the following figure:

Click the Commit button

Step 18: When you click on the Sync, you can see the Team Explorer - Synchronization. Enter the path of GitHub under "Publish to Remote Repository" and click on the Publish button,

click on the publish

Step 19: Copy the HTTPS SSH URL as in the following figure:


Step 20: Paste the Visual Studio Publish to Remote Repository, then click on the Publish button. After that you can see the next screen as shown in step 21.

Remote Repository

Step 21: After clicking the Publish button, the following message will be visible: "The origin remote has been added and the current branch has been published". Here's the figure:

New Repositor

Step 22: Click on the View or refresh the GitHub page.

Create an Account

Step 23:
After the View or Refresh the page you will see Repository is created with time, comment and project name as in the following figure;

basic application

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