This application can be used by any user to record their day to day expenses on mobile phone. It's a very handy application which runs on windows mobile 6.1 & 6.5 professional devices.
- Record daily expenses, as per the type of expense (regular, occasional).
- Search the record entered.
- Delete the unwanted record (one at a time).
- Export the record to html file, which can be easily viewable on any mobile browser.
- Backup the data file, by checking the mobile phone battery status.
Installation Guideline:
How to use:
1. Initial Screen: Expense Calculator
Contents marked on the screen with colored boxes are used for below purpose:
- To select the expense type (regular/occasional).
- To save the record entered by the user.
- Expense Calculator Tab used to navigate through other features of application.
The above screen is the initial screen which is displayed when the application starts. This screen is used to record the day to day expenses. After filling the expenses one has to save it by clicking on the "Save" button as shown in the above figure. When a user click on the save button, at that time first the data entered by the user is validated and if required than a message is prompted to the user to correct the data entered. If not than the data is successfully saved and message appear to the user that "successfully saved".
1. Clear the record:
To clear the content entered in "Expense Calculator Tab" (3) as marked in the above figure, user has to click on Option (bottom left corner) navigate to menu item "Reset". Click on "Reset" to clear the content entered in the fields.
2. Expense Report: View/Delete & Export Functionality:
2.A View Record:
Contents marked on the screen with colored boxes are used for below purpose:
- To select the search criteria.
- Display the result as per the search criteria.
- Click on view button to see the result as per the search criteria.
- Expense Report Tab used to navigate through other features of application.
The above screen is used for display the result as per search criteria selected by the user. First select the search criteria one by one and click on view button; it will display the result in a tabular format.
2.B Delete Record:
Contents marked on the screen with colored boxes are used for below purpose:
- Double click on any row to delete it.
- To delete the selected row.
The above screen is used to delete the unwanted entries. To delete any record double click on that row, when the user double click on any row it will start highlighted in light green color (means now the selected data is activated for deletion) and the delete button is activated/enabled. Click on "Delete" button to remove the highlighted data.
2.C Export Record:
The above screen is used to export the entire data displayed in the tabular format. To export the data click on "File" menu (bottom right corner) navigate to "Export Data" menu item and click on it. It will display a dialog box, where user has to enter the file name and select the location and click on "Save" button. This action performed by the user creates a html file on the specific location provided by the user.
2.D Backup:
The above screen is used to take the backup of data file. To take the backup click on "File" menu (bottom right corner) navigate to "Backup Data" menu item and click on it. It displays a screen with some informational text written on it (see below screen). Click on "Backup" to start the backup process. Click on Close to exit the screen.
3. Exit:
The above screen is used to exit the application. To exit the application click on "File" menu (bottom right corner) navigate to "Exit" menu item and click on it. To minimize the application click on cross (X) button on top right corner.
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