- Open start->Notepad.
- The name of editor is "canvas".
Step 2 : Create a Folder on a desktop.
- Right-click on desktop->new->Folder.
- Name of folder is "photo".
Step 3 : Open Visual Studio.
- Go to file -> New->Projects.
- Crete an ASP. NET Web Application.
- Name of "Tom.aspx".
![new application.gif]()
Step 4 : Add a HTML file to your web application.
- Right-click on Solution Explorer.
- Add->add new item->HTML form.
- The Name of the HTML form is "Image.html".
Step 5 : Add a image folder on a Tom canvas application.
- Right click of Solution explorer.
- add->add folder.
- Name of folder is "image".
Step 6 : Add a some js file in a application.
<script src="Scripts/canvas.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Scripts/canvas2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Step 7 : Now we have set a style of canvas curser properties that are background color, fontsize, height, width and also set a properties of an image field.
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
can.resize-ne { cursor: ne-resize; }
can.resize-se { cursor: se-resize; }
can.resize-sw { cursor: sw-resize; }
can.resize-nw { cursor: nw-resize; }
can.move { cursor: move; }
can.default { cursor: default; }
img { display: block; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: -1000; left: -1000; }
input { margin-left: 20px; }
fieldset { width: 480px; float: left; }
.fieldset { width: 400px; float: left; }
#ft { background-color: #eee; height: 70px; width: 99%;top: 0; left: 0; }
#ft span { width: 100%; }
Step 8 : In this step set a canvas length and add an image according to image id.
can = new Canvas.Element();
can.init('canvid1', { width: rex.getViewportWidth() - 5, height: rex.getViewportHeight() - 5 });
img[img.length] = new Canvas.Img('img1', {});
img[img.length] = new Canvas.Img('img2', {});
img[img.length] = new Canvas.Img('img3', {});
img[img.length] = new Canvas.Img('img4', {});
img[img.length] = new Canvas.Img('img4', {});
Step 9 : Now set the click event of set, erase and cover checkbox; after click they all of perform an action.
initEvents: function ()
ctx.on('togglebg', 'click', this.toggleBg, this, true);
ctx.on('S1', 'click', this.S1, this, true);
ctx.on('T1', 'click', this.T1, this, true);
ctx.on('T3', 'click', this.T3, this, true);
ctx.on('T2', 'click', this.T2, this, true);
Step 10 : Now in this step set a body of canvas web page.
<body id="canvasdemo" onload="" bgcolor="#ffccff">
<canvas id="canvid1" ></canvas>
<img id="img4" src="image/1.jpg" />
<img id="img1" src="image/2.jpg" />
<img id="img2" src="image/6.jpg" />
<img id="img3" src="image/7.jpg" />
<div id="ft">
<div class="fieldset">
<legend style="background-color: #008080">Image</legend>
<span style="background-color: #FF9999"><input type="checkbox" name="some_name" value="" id="T1" />Erase</span>
<span style="background-color: #99FF99"><input type="checkbox" name="some_name"
value="" id="T3" style="background-color: #FFCCFF" />Cover</span>
<span style="background-color: #99FFCC"><input type="checkbox" name="some_name" value="" id="T2" />Set</span>
<span style="background-color: #FF99FF"><input type="checkbox" name="some_name" value="" id="S1" /> Cover show<span>
Step 11 : Press Ctrl + F5 to run the application in a browser.