In this article, we will learn how to create and configure virtual machine in Microsoft Azure. In a previous article, we saw
Let’s Begin
First of all, you need to login to
Microsoft Azure Portal.
You must have a Window Azure account in order to perform the steps, given below. You can create an account on Windows Azure, using the
In the new portal of Azure, Azure has two different deployment models for creating virtual machine: Virtual Machine Classic and Virtual Machine (newer with Resource manager deployment). Older Azure portal supports only for the classic deployment model. Microsoft recommends to use Resource manager for new resources and if possible, re-deploy your existing resources through Resource Manager.
Select any deployment model for creating a virtual machine, according to your requirements. Click Add.
After clicking, you will see several images for your virtual machine.
You can also search for your VM image.
In this article, I am going to setup Windows Server in Azure. Click Windows Server.
Afterwards, select the version/feature of Windows Server. I will install Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 in virtual machine.
Select the deployment model: Resource Manager or Classic and click create.
Configure basic setting for your virtual machine. Here, you can set username, password, VM disk type (HDD, SSD) etc. and then click OK.
Select virtual machine size and features.
Configure optional feature for VM. You can change the storage and networking options here.
Summary for your Virtual machine is given below. Check everything carefully and then Click OK.
Within few minutes, your virtual machine will be ready for use.
Click the virtual machine on Hub menu. You can track the status of your virtual machine from here. Select the virtual machine from the list.
Click Connect and you will get a .RDP file (Remote Desktop Protocol file). Save this file and open this file in order to connect to your virtual machine.
Click connect.
Enter Username and Password for the account, which you have created, while creating the VM. Click OK.
Click Yes.
You will connect to Windows Server 2008 R2 and it will take few minutes for the first time for adjusting and configuring some settings.
Cheers! Our Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine is ready.