From the navigation of Resources to the items, you can view all the statistics like Status, Metrics, Essentials, Run/Trigger History and Properties. Also, it gives a provision to enable or disable the LogicApp/ Any Functionality with just a click.
Being an integration developer, I could easily organize by Logic apps and check their statistics in an easier way. Here is the list of operations we can accomplish from the App,
Billing Savior
As Azure resources are based on per-minute billing, each resource running time may cost you more if it is not being disabled/stopped at the right time. This app lets you take actions immediately without any second thought, and that saves your azure credits
This notification makes you aware of the cloud environment and updates on the activities on the go without worrying about the actions performed
Not only basic operations, but also the advanced tasks are possible with the introduction of Mobile compatible cloud shell. A list of bash commands is
available to accomplish tasks like creation of VM, deletion, restart, list of all VM’s and their status. Cloudshell, and Bash shell interface to perform all the advanced operations on the Azure resources; be it any resource or billing details or account info, you can just get it with a ping of a shell command. This feature was just introduced in the Build2017 event on the Azure web interface and this module makes a first mark on the mobile to get most out of the Azure app. I could observe the visible lag when using the Bash-shell command, which would get optimized, but nevertheless bash-shell is a powerful offering on the mobile.
Managing cloud resources is made easy with the release of Azure app, as the product matures, we may receive more exciting functionalities to make personal/enterprise resource management from your digital assistant. This adds a lot of value to the support professionals who do support around the clock. Just download from the app store and experience the “Cloud on Mobile” and key-in your feedback/idea to the Microsoft team for more feature releases!