This article will help you to go with Visual Studio Online, where you can setup a new project in Visual Studio. Here, we will be working with the following concepts:
- Signup for a VSO (Visual Studio Online) account.
- Create a New Team Project with TFVC and invite the members to work with it.
Developer Requirements
- Internet Connectivity.
- Visual Studio 2013 / 2015.
- Microsoft Account (Outlook or Hotmail accounts).
Follow the steps, given below, to setup a Visual Studio Online account and a team project.
Signing Up For A Visual Studio Online Account
Step 1: Open your Browser, go to and click Free Visual Studio,
![Free Visual Studio]()
Click Sign Up of Visual Studio Team Services.
![Sign Up]()
Step 2: Sign in with the help of your Microsoft account.
Step 3: Enter a name for your account and select TFVC for managing your code.
Your account depends on the availability of the name and, once it is given, click continue.
Followed by this submission, it will create a new project for you on your Visual Studio Online account.
Now your online Visual Studio Account has been created and you can use this URL to get access in future. So your Visual Studio Online account with a New Project under TFVC has been created.
Creating A New Project Using Tfvc And Invite Members To Work With It
Step 1: Go to the URL of your Visual Studio Online Account (in my case).
Click New under Recent projects and teams to create a New Project.
![New Project]()
Step 2: Enter the following details of your Project: Name, Description, Template and Version Control. For Version Control, select “Team Foundation Version Control”. Now, click create Project.
![Create Project]()
Step 3: Click Navigate to Project.
![Navigate to Project]()
Now, your project is created.
Now, your project of TFVdemo is created.
Step 4: Close the previous Window and go to Team Members pane to invite Team Members to work on this project, Click Invite a friend.
Here, you can add your team members. Click Add to add any team member.
Step 5: Enter the Email address of the user or group and click Save Changes.
Now, the members are added who can work with this project that has been created,
Follow this article. The second part will be about creating a Project with Git and experience on connected IDE.