Will IT Companies Survive in Future ?


While the demand of technology is increasing and so the cost of doing and running IT business. Can IT companies survive?

Reason Behind this question

While you reading this blog you are thinking, I am asking negative question about IT companies but I give the some reason why this question comes in my mind?

Demand vs Cost of IT in Business

In today's business IT is the backbone of any business without IT it's not possible to process and spread the business across the world.

In past small business companies understand the importance of IT in their business and they given the contract of their IT projects to third party IT companies and because of this their business process are done very fast their business revenues are increased and also its gives very flexibility to their business by maintaining the huge amount of data.

Now because of this reason all small as well as big business companies use IT in their businesses and because of the lack  IT manpower  reason they given their IT projects to other IT Companies.

Day by day because of the IT demand in business and their huge projects to fulfill these requirement independent IT companies are also increased.

Now you can see anywhere are the IT companies starting from residential apartments  to huge buildings, also the IT cost is increased dramatically in past years. I know two years ago when I started my job from Rs. 3500 salary now my salary is much bigger than this and two year before I had sold by college project to college by Rs. 2000 now after taking the ownership of  that project my college increased that project cost in Lakh's while providing the same project services to the other colleges.

What I wants to say in above paragraph?

I am trying to explain in above paragraph that IT projects cost is increased by IT companies may be because of following reason

1. IT Man Power cost.
2. Luxurious infrastructure and offices.
3. Luxurious infrastructure and offices Maintenance cost.
4. Increment of revenues in their client business.
5. Application and data maintenance cost.

because of above reason IT cost is increased (I personally think).

Who will Pays this cost?

Obviously the above cost will be taken by IT companies from their client in the form of IT project cost.

Now What Happened because of IT cost?

because of the rising in the IT cost into the business the small as well as big Non IT  business companies have stared their own in house IT development centers to avoid their money that they spend on third party IT companies.

I will give the some examples,


  1.  Every Bank have their own IT development center to process their business.
  2.  Logistics and shipping  companies have their own IT development center.
  3. Insurance companies have their own IT development center.
  4. Banking and Non Banking financial companies have their own IT development center.
  5. Education institution have their own IT development center.

even transport companies has their own development center,means in short these non IT business companies wants to be Independent in terms of IT to avoid the huge amount of cost they are paying to other IT companies.

Now big question is that who will give the Project to the IT companies? If non IT companies started their own IT division to process their business.

From all of the above reasons, I personally think that IT companies future is in the dark in coming days.

Now I would like C# corner experts answer these questions through debate on following question.

  1. Why Non-IT business companies have started their own IT division to manage their business?
  2. Will IT Companies Survive in Future, if yes, then how?
  3. As a owner of IT company to Survive IT Companies in Future,which solution you will provide in future and in which domain?
  4. Did you think IT companies future is dark in coming days,if yes or no then why?
  5. What is the main reason behind increasing the demand and cost of IT?

Please give your answers...

Note: I have not written this blog to show negativeness of IT companies. So please don't think about this just. I have some personal questions in my mind from the past observation of market so I want answers from the experts. I hope answers will be useful for others to take right step in future to save IT companies.

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