
about datagridview and forms

sachi vasishta

sachi vasishta



I have 3 forms. In form1 I have a textbox and a button. On button click the form1 should close and a new form(form2)should open and in form2 I have a textbox and a button immediate after the textbox1.That textbox1 in form2 shows the  value that is passed through the form1's textbox.It can be achieved by the overloaded constructor. But if I click on the button in the form2 it should take into the datagridview containing form(form3) and in that there are few tuples. (id,name,addrs,sex,zip,city,etc) Now if I select a particular row(mouse single click) then it should pick the name attribute and go back to the form2 and display the name in the textbox1 of form2. How to get this?? 

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