
Add ID to listbox pass those values to a multi update query

Josue Vega

Josue Vega

Hi guys, First before start I'm new to c# , MySQL, visual studio.
I have a table 2 Tables
 table #1 | shipment
 ShipmentID VendorID
 table #2 | container
 1 Closed 1 Current_TimeStamp User
1. I fill a combobox with data ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as ContainerID  run a insert in table 1 and  after returns a shipmentid
2. then I add multiple values to a listbox: shiplist which I pass to a label "Shipping being made for" + (1,2,3,4,5) using String.Join(",", shiplist.values) to shipmadelist_lbl which pass in this format : (1,2,3,4,5)
3. I want to update each container in the listbox using :
UPDATE ewaste.container SET ContainerStatus='Shipped', ShipmentID='" + this.lastid_show_txt.Text + "', ShipDate=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ShippedBy='" + Properties.Settings.Default.LoggedUser + "' WHERE ContainerID IN '" + this.shipmadelist_lbl.Text + "' 
but I receive a  error I took a printscreen of the error with the form
I need more information I attached the shipment.cs (code only)
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