
ALL About ASP.NET Projects Handling

geetha shine

geetha shine

hi friends,

               I am new to ASP.NET development.
               I want to know how to handle realtime project from the begining.
               As of now i know how to make a 3-tier architecture and i know how the code flows through the different layers of the architecture.

               i want to know what are the fundamental and inportant things to be considered while developing the real time project in ASP.NET.
               Where should we consider design patterns?
               where should we consider UML?
               before starting codeing and while codeing which parts of the project must be monitering regularly i mean security and memory overflow...

                so any seniors can help me in this matter.

              please give me detailed and step wise procedure for handing realtime projects in ASp.NET

waiting for your valuable reply

thanx in advance
Answers (2)