
AMP Integration

I am working in asp.net MVC project in project I have mobile page view and window page view so is it possible to use AMP for mobile or Create AMP Project differently ?because window page tag and AMP mobile Page tags and published are different
Answers (2)
Nitin Sontakke

Nitin Sontakke

NA 11.7k 2.2k 8y

Just mentioning "but notworking" unfortunatelydoesn't explain much about what is happening.

Please give more info, what you are getting, if you are getting error, please give details.

Anythingthat would help us help you better.
Joginder Banger

Joginder Banger

NA 10k 490.7k 8y
Hi Simon,
if you want get time difference only that why pass parameters. You can easily with like.
string timespent1 = "SELECT DATEDIFF(minute ,departureTime,entryTime) AS timespent FROM mambo where plateno = '" + TextBox1.Text + "'";
SqlCommand comman = new SqlCommand(timespent1, conn);
string ReturnValue = comman.ExecuteScalar();
check your data in ReturnValue.