
Automating Saves, Imports, Links and Runs Queries

Seraaj Isaacs

Seraaj Isaacs


Hi Everyone,

I will try my best to describe my situation to you. I am not a developer but an MIS Analyst
Every Morning I come in and I receive 5 files, each in their own email, in my outlook Inbox.
I want to automate this process as our department has discussed automations with the source of the emails but they want to charge us an arm and a leg to do it. These discussions happened in 2010, and this process has been part of my morning ever since. My work load increases but this feels like it gets in my way of things. Please help. I'd like to press one button and this should just happen.

The following is My Process Every Morning:
- Go to directory Department/Department Section/Work/February 2015/
- If todays date is the 13th of February 2015
- Create a Folder in .../February 2015/ for the previous day, naming it - '20150212'
I need the solution to create these folders every morning before i get in the office at 8am.
NOTE: That if the month changes I need to create the month folder as well 'February 2015', 'March 2015', etc.

Go to Outlook
- Open email 1, save 'file 1' in 20150212, close email. Open email 2, save 'file 2' in 20150212, close email. Open email 3, save 'file 3' in 20150212, close email. Open email 4, save 'file 4' in 20150212, close email. Open email 5, save 'file 5' in 20150212, close email.
- Delete all mails
I need the solution to automatically save the files in the newly created folder above and they need to identify the new month as well.
NOTE: The Files also get sent on the Saturday, and when I come in on Monday I usually have to save it for the date of Friday.

Go to Folder 20150212
- Open 'file 3'
- Delete First Row, Delete Hidden Column A, Delete Row that is immediately under the last row record.
- Format the now Current Column A (Select whole column, Format Cells, General, and in the given text box Insert 0000000000, Click OK).
- Save file as 'file 3 20150212' and save as a text (Tab delimited) file. Warning comes up of features may not be supported etc asking if you want to continue saving? Select Yes. Close file.

- Open 'file 5'
- Delete First Row, Delete Hidden Column A, Delete Row that is immediately under the last row record.
- Go to the last column which has data, usually Column AL but may be subject to change, and format (Select whole column, Format Cells, Select Number, Click OK)
- Save file as 'file 5 CompanyName 20150212' and save as a text (Tab delimited) file. Warning comes up of features may not be supported etc asking if you want to continue saving? Select Yes. Close file.
The solution needs to be able to do this automatically and also identify the next day and add the appropriate date.

My Process is much longer but if you could just assist me with a solution for this I would be overwhelmed with appreciation to you. Please assist.


Please dont have a TLDR moment. I really would appreciate a solution with fine tuned note of all the detail :)
I know there is someone in here who's brain is exploding with knowledge on matters of this degree.

I look forward to your response.
Answers (1)