Binary formatter issues with Sockets
hi i have a class which i wish to send over a network using .net sockets.
these are 2 separate proj in one solution, i have a Copy of the class file in each proj directory, with the name space changed in each file to match
here is the code in the Sender.
public Boolean SendCMD(StatusCMD toSend)
BinaryFormatter toBinary = new BinaryFormatter();
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
toBinary.Serialize(memStream, toSend);
Byte[] byToSend = new Byte[1024];
memStream.ToArray().CopyTo(byToSend, 0);
BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt16(memStream.ToArray().Length)).CopyTo(byToSend, 1022);
netStream.Write(byToSend, 0, byToSend.Length);
return true;
return false;
this works fine, maybe your asking why i haven't just put the stream directly into the BF, but the size of the Class varies coz of strings in it. it manages to send the byte array with the last 2 byte indicate the point where the class stops.
the server
public StatusCMD[] ReciecveCMD()
{//Recives a Status cammand
List lstCMD = new List();
BinaryFormatter fromBinary = new BinaryFormatter();
MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
foreach (Socket currentSocket in Clients)
if (currentSocket.Available > 0)
Byte[] byRecCMD = new Byte[1024];
Byte[] byTemp = new Byte[2];
byTemp[0] = byRecCMD[1022];
byTemp[1] = byRecCMD[1023];
Byte[] byObject = new Byte[BitConverter.ToInt16(byTemp, 0) + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < byObject.Length; i++)
byObject[i] = byRecCMD[i];
memStream = new MemoryStream();
memStream.Write(byObject, 0, byObject.Length);
memStream.Position = 0;
object k = fromBinary.Deserialize(memStream) ; //it always fails here
lstCMD.Add(k as StatusCMD);
lstCMD[lstCMD.Count - 1].CompID = currentSocket.RemoteEndPoint;
return lstCMD.ToArray();
catch(Exception e)
return null;
it always fails at the BF'ing, and it just says a whole load of stuff about how the BF version my be different.
when i look at the byte array that is going into the memstream it is the same as that which came out, of the senders.
Please Help Me, i am newish to C# and sockets and binary formatting are new to me too.
thank you for any help.