




H1, Using VB Net (2005, Access (2003) in Windows Forms, in my application there are a datagridview with 4 datarows and 2 listBox. My database has 3 tables EX: T1=Person, T2= Services and T3=Pers_Serv as a joint table. Table Person has 4 persons, table Services has 6 services and has 2 fields AS (Available Service and Selected Service) I have use the wizards to build the form, so I have the 4 objects ,dataset, TableAdapter, BindingSource, BindingNavigator, +  TableAdapter and BindingSource1 for the listboxes. What I want to do is when I make a selection changed on the the datagridview I like to display in 1 listbox the Available_Service and in the other the Selected Service. I read on the web that I should use the Filter property of the BindingSource, I do not know how this is done ,so if anyone knows how  please tell, better show me how with maybe a small app. Hoping someone can help me. Thank you in advance.


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