
C# and 'SQL Server 2005 EE', going from VB to C# ?

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ink erl

Hello! Doing some C# and trying to access my SQL Server Following a book from Wrox: 'Wrox's SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit' The authors use VB, not my stronegst point and I want to do their examples in C#. How would I translate the following to C# ? Dim PKvalue As String = FilterInput.Text; // Filterinput är en textbox DIM Rowlocated AS DataRow = Me.MyDBDataSet.Person.Rows.Find(CType(PKvalue,Integer)) If Not ( RowLocated Is Nothing) Then MessageBox.Show(CType(Rowlocated(1),String)) Else MessageBox.Show(PKvalue & " record not located" ) End if I tried out the Converter from VB to C# : http://www.developerfusion.co.uk/Utilities/convertvbtocsharp.aspx But that did not help me, do not Quite understand the Rowlocated variable that is an instance from DataRow. The basic thing I would like to do is to enter a number, let say my PK, in a field, and that my form will be filled with the return values. Any books or articles out there ? I am able to send you my whole examples if you are interested. Hopefully you are able to help me. regards, i

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