
C# : LoadFile Missin

I tried to copy this code to display pdf in c# , but axAcroPDFLib.axAcroPDF does not contain Loadfile....... error comes !
Is there any possible solution for this?
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Create object of Open file dialog class
OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();
// set file filter of dialog
dlg.Filter = "pdf files (*.pdf) |*.pdf;";
if (dlg.FileName!= null)
// use the LoadFile(ByVal fileName As String) function for open the pdf in control
Answers (1)
Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar

NA 872 55.9k 9y
code is looking fine by the looks of it. Just check for null value, before appending it to the string builder..
Sousa Pambo

Sousa Pambo

NA 92 12.6k 9y
I think is the way i organized the (') or ("") in these lines

sqlBuilder.Append(frmAl.tbQrtResp2.Text + "','"); //9

sqlBuilder.Append("@PicResp2,'"); //10
sqlBuilder.Append(frmAl.tbCasaResp2.Text + "')"); //11

it shows there's a error near the last line
Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar

NA 872 55.9k 9y
What error you are getting?