
C# Programming ChapterCce Exercises;; HELPP

1.  Create a class representing a student. Include characteristics such student number, first, and last name, overall GPA, classification, and major. Write at least two constructors. Include properties for each of the data items. Create a second class that instantiates the first class with information about yourself. In the second class, create a class method that displays your name and GPA.
2. Create an Employee class. Items to include as data members are employee number, name, date of hire, job description, department, and monthly salary. The class is often used to display an alphabetical listing of all employees. Include appropriate constructors and properties. Override the ToString() method to return all data members. Create a second class to test your Employee class.
3. Write a program that includes an Employee class that can be used to calculate and print the take-home pay for a commissioned sales employee. All employee receive 7% of the total sales. Federal tax rate is 18%. Retirement contribution is 10%. Social Security tax rate is 6%. Write instance methods to calculate the commission income, federal, and social security tax withholding amounts and the amount withheld for retirement. Use appropriate constants, design an object-oriented solution, and write constructors. Include at least one mutator and one accessor method; provide properties for the other instance variables. Create a second class to test your design. Allow the user to enter values for the name of the employee and the sales amount for the week in the second class.
Answers (4)


NA 483 23k 12y
try the following 

        Random RandomClass = new Random();
        int[] Nums = new int[3];
        Nums[0]= RandomClass.Next(0, 50);
        Nums[1] = RandomClass.Next(0, 50);
        Nums[2] = RandomClass.Next(0, 50);

         tb1.Text = Nums[0].ToString(); 
         tb2.Text = Nums[1].ToString();
         tb3.Text = Nums[2].ToString();



NA 6 2.3k 12y
Thank you :D