
C#/.Net/VS2005 - How can I write text onto the form of a webpage through

foo foolios

foo foolios

C#/.Net/VS2005 - How can I write text onto the form of a webpage through the use of a windows form that I can write?

My idea is that I would like the text I write into my windows form to paste itself into the form of a browser window.

But I was thinking that this form could really shortcut a lot of the unnecessary actions of opening a browser and going to that particular page that has the form.

I am thinking that if I already know the address of that particular web page, that I could have the text on my form submitted directly to that forms server via a submit button on my form. My little form would save me the trouble of opening a browser to post to certain web page.

I am thinking that the web page would have a form id and that that would help to find the form for pasting this text into, err maybe I should say for using during the submittal so that the server knows where the text came from or where the text is suppose to be in the form for saving purposes.

Any explanation on how this can be done or ideas, links, would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.