
calling webservices



Apr 16 2008 4:25 AM

I am currently working on a project where i can retirieve data from Site A using the relevant sql connectors and readers in asp.net C#. Now Site B is where i need to put the information into.

They have created API's which i can call from my program but im stuck on how to start. I am using Visual studio and want to make the process automated but before i do that i need to be able to call the webservice and put the relevant information in there but im stuck.

An example of the api is on the link here http://api.kashflow.co.uk/manual_methods_GetCustomer.asp

but just need a start somewhere. I cannot add the call to a button when i do protected void BtnClick()?

I have added the web reference to the project im working in so i have all the api's

any advice would be great



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