
Cannot open saved zip files extracted from Outlook Mail

navnit mudaliar

navnit mudaliar

Hi Everyone,

I've created a small C# application which extracts attachments from outlook emails and saves them to a network location. I can open all of the saved files except for compressed files with "zip" extension.

Files with the "zip" extension can only be opened/extracted via Windows Explorer. If I try to use WinRAR, I get the following error: "The archive is either in unknown format or damaged". WinZip does not work either. If however, I open the email within outlook manually and copy the zip file to my PC, I am able to open the zipped file using WinRAR, WinZip as well as windows explorer.

Part of the code used to save the attachment is shown below.

        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem _mailItem;
        _AttachFileName = _mailItem.Attachments[j].FileName;
        _TempAttachmentFile = Path.Combine(_tempFolder.Path, _AttachFileName);


Has anyone faced a similar issue with compressed zip files? If so were you able to resolve the issue?

Any ideas or help on this will be appreciated.

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