
Check Replies



Aug 1 2011 12:27 AM

       i am trying to create a service which automatically connects to the SMS Gateway account and goes through the inbox and checks if there any existing replies from the user and sends out a series of default messages in a time interval of 60 seconds each.

The following is what i got as a code together but unfortunately even when there are replies sitting on the SMS Gateway account my function says that there are "No replies currently" could someone help where i am missing.

private void CheckRepliesButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            //Messaging.MessageController.Settings.Logger.WriteLine(LogEntryType.Info, "Check replies button clicked.");

            // Validate the connection details before checking for replies.
            if (ValidateConnectionDetails())

            // Check for replies.
            if (!Messaging.MessageController.CheckReplies())
                // Check replies was denied. Check replies can be called at a maximum rate of once per minute.
                // Display a message box with the amount of time the user must wait for replies can be checked.
                string text = string.Format("Replies can be checked for at a maximum rate of once per minute per account.\n\n" +
                    "Amount of time to wait: {0} seconds.", Messaging.MessageController.GetCheckReplyTimeToWait().TotalSeconds);
                MessageBox.Show(this, text, "Check Replies Denied", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

private void MessageController_CheckRepliesComplete(object sender, CheckRepliesCompleteEventArgs e)
           if (e.Success)
                // Pop up a form to display each reply message.
               // MessageBox.Show("e.Sucess");

                MessageList ml = e.Messages;
                MessageBox.Show("Message Count" + ml.Count);

               foreach (MessageIn reply in e.Messages)
                    ReplyForm replyForm = new ReplyForm(reply);

                // If delivery reports were received display a message box displaying the delivered messages.
                if (e.DeliveryReports.Count > 0)
                    // Update the delivery status of sent messages that correspond to the received delivery reports.

                    string text = "Delivery Reports Received:\n\n";
                    foreach (DeliveryReport report in e.DeliveryReports)
                        // Get the sent message that corresponds to the delivery report.
                        MessageOut deliveredMessage = this.SentItems.Find(delegate(MessageOut sentItem) { return sentItem.MessageID == report.MessageID; });

                        if (deliveredMessage != null)
                            text += string.Format("ID: {0}\nRecipient: {1}\nDelivery Status: {2}\nDelivery Time: {3:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss}\nMessage: {4}\n\n",
                                deliveredMessage.MessageID, deliveredMessage.PhoneNumber, deliveredMessage.DeliveryStatus.ToString(), deliveredMessage.DeliveryTime, deliveredMessage.MessageText);
                            // The sent item corresponding to the delivery report could not be found in SentItems. This will
                            // happen if the application is restarted between the message being sent and the delivery report arriving.
                            text += string.Format("ID: {0}\nDelivery Report: {1}\n(Message Contents Not Found In SentItems)\n\n", report.MessageID, report.MessageText);
                    MessageBox.Show(this, text, "Messages Delivered", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                // If no new replies or delivery reports were received display a message box to notify the user.
                if (e.Messages.Count == 0 && e.DeliveryReports.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "No new replies or delivery reports were received.", "No Messages Received", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); 
                string text = string.Format("The following error occurred when checking for replies:\n\n{0}", (e.Exception != null) ? e.Exception.ToString() : "Unknown");
                MessageBox.Show(this, text, "Check Replies Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 
 Messaging.MessageController.CheckRepliesComplete += new CheckRepliesCompleteEventHandler(MessageController_CheckRepliesComplete);

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