
Code to change frame content just stopped working.

Pedro Cabral

Pedro Cabral

Hi there!!! This one is really bugging me... I had for a year now this way to change the Frame Content in ASP.NET 1.1 Application, C# code behid: In the C# code: Response.Write(""); This always worked out great. This week my Hosting company changed to ASP.NET 2.0 and it simply stoped working. Now my Frame contents are all mixed up. It opens the entire frameset inside the "main" Frame. I changed it to JavaScript instead of JScript : Response.Write(""); Now 7 out of 10 times it works great... the other 3 you know what :( Its completly random if it works or it doenst (same click on the same button...) It all compliles and runs well on my machine in both ways... When i upload it it mixes all the frames (Jscript) or only works sometimes (JavaScript). Any of you seen this before or knows how to fix it? Could it be because i´m compiling in .NET Framework 1.1 and uploading it to .NET 2.0 Framework? In the webserver I still have the v1.1.4322 folder. Any help would be most appretiated :) Developing setup: Win2003Server VS.NET2003 .NET Framework 1.1 WebHosting setup: Win2003Server .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0 now Thanks in advance Pedro
Answers (1)
Pedro Cabral

Pedro Cabral

NA 3 0 19y
Done! correct javascript code to change the frame contents: Assuming the frame we wish to change is FRAMENAME, and the aspx page we want to load in it "NEWPAGE.aspx" in the C# code: Response.Write(""); Works!!! Thanks