connection failing in Sybase 12.5.1
have Sybase 12.5.1 client version installed on my machine, whose corresponding Sybase.Data.AseClient.dll is registered in GAC.
when i try try to connect to the database using the following code -
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Put user code to initialize the page here
String connStr = "Driver={SYBASE ASE ODBC Driver};Srvr=PAEHOWUD284,5201;DB=ribs;Uid=x131608;Pwd=x131608" ;
AseConnection oAseConn = new AseConnection(connStr) ;
String strSelect = " select * from optextn_rider " ;
AseCommand oAseCmd = new AseCommand(strSelect) ;
AseDataAdapter oAseAdp = new AseDataAdapter(oAseCmd);
DataSet ds = new DataSet() ;
oAseAdp.Fill(ds,"OPTEXTN_RIDER") ;
grdRptList.DataSource = ds;
grdRptList.DataMember = "OPTEXTN_RIDER" ;
grdRptList.DataBind() ;
i get the following error - SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized.
what can be the possible problem or rather solution ??