
Console exam application

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Hello, I just signed up for this forum because I'm an IT student and we program in C# and I'm extremely desperate! I've got my programming final on monday and I have no idea what to do. I've been absent for 7 weeks because I was diagnosed with hepatitis A. While I was absent my class has seen new parts of programming and I can't catch up!! :((
So this is what the program looks like that we have to make. What the class has seen so far are methods, randomizers, loops, if/else, arrays and arraylists

Step 1: You give 6 numbers between 1 and 42
Resized to 76% (was 666 x 340) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

Step 2: The program goes through all possible outcomes untill all 6 numbers appear at the same time
Resized to 76% (was 659 x 347) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

Step 3: It shows how many times the program needed to guess the right numbers

If somebody can make this for me, you have my eternal gratitude. Please, I am extremely desperate at the moment

Answers (3)