I am using crystal report in my project in which i am having some btns (month,Day,Year) like when i click any btn among them report data should be shown only of that current month or day or year. i did this somehow for month btn .
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = null;
DateTime dtFrom = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1);
DateTime dtTo = dtFrom.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
if (ReportName == "SalesReport")
Report.RecordSelectionFormula = String.Format("{0} >= CDate({1:yyyy,MM,dd}) And {0} <= CDate({2:yyyy,MM,dd})", "{BILLH.B_date}", dtFrom, dtTo);
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = this.Report;
else if (ReportName == "PurchaseReport")
Report.RecordSelectionFormula = String.Format("{0} >= CDate({1:yyyy,MM,dd}) And {0} <= CDate({2:yyyy,MM,dd})", "{PRO_BILL.P_purdate}", dtFrom, dtTo);
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = this.Report;
this code is working fine for month but now i want to do same for DAY btn ,i help me in this . thanks in advance .