
Datagrid Format For Date...

luke 0

luke 0

Hi, I'm new at C# and I'm working on a Win Form in C# that connects to a database with a datagrid....when I run the form it shows the date just fine but when I print the data from the grid it shows the date and time but in the database there’s no time...I tried to format the GridColummStyle and I put "MM/dd/yyyy " but when I print the data its giving me the date and time and the time is always set to 12:00...its like its putting the time there at 12:00 because there’s no time in the database, Sorry for my poor info on this matter like I said I'm new at C#...once again I'm using printDialog and printDocument to print the data...if you need more info just ask...p[lease some help on this would be great thanks. Luke
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