Dataset and multiple forms problem
I'm really stuck with this problem and I think it's quite simple but my knowledge of c# just in't enough, so any help wolud be appriciated.
I have a class (called broker) that contains the dataset and methods to manipulate the data in the dataset. It looks something like this:
public class Broker
public MainDataSet ds=null;
public Broker()
ds=new MainDataSet();
public void FillDataSet()
//Do something it's not important what
Next I have a form (called maniform) that uses methods from broker class. Something like this (just the stuff important for my problem):
public class MainForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form
public MainForm()
b=new Broker();
public Broker b=null;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
private void Something()
//Do something
And in the end I have another form called modform that contains a combobox. Combobox has an on change event that needs to call a method from the mainform. I tried something like this:
public void ReturnNewIndex(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
MainForm mfrm=new MainForm();
int index=NameCombo.SelectedIndex;
This is the problem: if I create instance of the mainform (MainForm mfrm=new MainForm()) in the modform dataset is recreated (Mainform new--> mainform calls constructor and creates new broker instance--> new broker instance calls its broker and recreates the dataset and the dataset is now empty). How to do this so that the dataset is not recreated and I can access methods from the main form?
Please help I don't know who to ask and I have only a few days to solve the problem.