I have been Googling all over to try and find a way to set a certain column to hidden. It seems the only way is to hide it in the DataGrid (Working in windows Forms), but I would like to be able to set a Column as Hidden in the DataTable and have the DagaGrid hide that column.
I have tried this:
datatable.Columns[0].ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden;
But that does not work.
Is there a way to create one's own Custom DataTable, inherited from the original DataTable, so one would be able to specify a column to be hidden. I'm thinking you might need a custom datagrid as well?
Developer must be able to specify which column should be hidden.
Datagrid should be able to tell which columns to hide.
I'm not to good with custom controls, if someone could help it would be much appreciated.
[EDIT]: For some reason the post keeps going into one line...