
DataView using 3 related tables

dak 0

dak 0

Hi! I've got a problem with DataViews and DataRelations. I have 3 tables A, B, and C. A and B have a n:1 DataRelation, and B and C have a n:1 DataRelation. Now I want to set a DataView on table A, filtered by a column in table C. No problem in SQL, using 2 JOINs, but I have no db engine as backend here, only the DataSet. I managed to combine 2 tables by using a RowFilter string like that: Parent(myRelation).myColumn = someValue But I get an error when I try this: Parent(myRel1).Parent(myRel2).myColumn = someValue I know I could do this with 2 DataViews, creating the Filter string for the second with the ouput data of the first. But I would really like to do it in one expression. Anybody got an idea for a smart RowFilter string?