Display string data from array in list box
As a student taking VB.net I am having a problem in a project. I have read a .txt file conststing of names, 4 rounds of golf scores anD total score for each name into 5 one-dimension arrays. I am trying to display the same records in a list box. The four scores and total score show fine but the name shows as Names(I) on each line (record). The records are in this form: Woods,Tiger 66 67 72 68 273. I will attempt to show you the code but I don't know how it is going to look. Please advise me on showing code if necessary. Also this is my first post so I am open to suggestions and constructive criticism about posting. Thanks
Imports System.io
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'Programmer: John McGuire
'Project 5
'Process golf scores
Dim GolfScores As StreamReader
Dim GolfOut As StreamWriter
Dim ScoreCount As Integer
Dim Names(30) As String
Dim Round1(30) As Integer
Dim Round2(30) As Integer
Dim Round3(30) As Integer
Dim Round4(30) As Integer
Dim TotalScore(30) As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim NameAndScores As String
GolfScores = New StreamReader("C:\temp\scores.txt")
GolfOut = New StreamWriter("C:\temp\outscore.txt")
Dim TheRecord As String
Dim P As Integer = 0 'Position of "blank" in string
Dim I As Integer = 0 'Counter for the number of players
Dim Name As String
Dim score1 As Integer
Dim score2 As Integer
Dim score3 As Integer
Dim score4 As Integer
'Read data from text file into 5 arrays
Do Until GolfScores.Peek = -1
NameAndScores = GolfScores.ReadLine()
P = InStr(NameAndScores, " ")
Names(I) = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(NameAndScores, P - 1)
Round1(I) = LTrim(CInt(Mid(NameAndScores, P + 1, 2)))
Round2(I) = CInt(Mid(NameAndScores, P + 4, 2))
Round3(I) = CInt(Mid(NameAndScores, P + 7, 2))
Round4(I) = CInt(Mid(NameAndScores, P + 10, 2))
'MsgBox(Names(I) & " " & Round1(I) & " " & Round2(I) & " " _
' & Round3(I) & " " & Round4(I))
'ComputeTotalScore(Round1, Round2, Round3, Round4, I)
TotalScore(I) = Round1(I) + Round2(I) + _
Round3(I) + Round4(I)
'MsgBox(Names(I) & " " & TotalScore(I))
I += 1
'MsgBox(Names(I) & " " & Round1(I) & " " & Round2(I) & " " _
' & Round3(I) & " " & Round4(I))
'Dim TotalByPlayer
'For I = 0 To UBound(Round1)
'TotalByPlayer = TotalByPlayer + Round1(I) + Round2(I) + _
'Round3(I) + Round4(I)
'Close the file
End Sub
'Function to compute total score for each golfer
'Private Function ComputeTotalScore(ByVal Game1() As Integer, _
'ByVal Game2() As Integer, ByVal Game3() As Integer, _
'ByVal Game4 As Integer(), ByVal I As Integer) As Integer
' 'Dim I As Integer
' Return TotalScore(I) = Game1(I) + Game2(I) + Game3(I) + Game4(I)
'End Function
'Button to sort ascending according to total score.
Private Sub btnFinishOrder_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFinishOrder.Click
Dim I As Integer = 0
Dim Temp As Integer
Dim TempName As String
Dim TempRnd1 As Integer
Dim TempRnd2 As Integer
Dim TempRnd3 As Integer
Dim TempRnd4 As Integer
Dim H As Integer = 3 'number of rounds
Dim J As Integer
For J = 0 To UBound(TotalScore) - 1
For I = 0 To H
If TotalScore(I) > TotalScore(I + 1) Then
Temp = TotalScore(I)
TotalScore(I) = TotalScore(I + 1)
TotalScore(I + 1) = Temp
TempName = Names(I)
Names(I) = Names(I + 1)
Names(I + 1) = TempName
TempRnd1 = Round1(I)
Round1(I) = Round1(I + 1)
Round1(I + 1) = TempRnd1
TempRnd2 = Round2(I)
Round2(I) = Round2(I + 1)
Round2(I + 1) = TempRnd2
TempRnd3 = Round3(I)
Round3(I) = Round3(I + 1)
Round3(I + 1) = TempRnd3
TempRnd4 = Round4(I)
Round4(I) = Round4(I + 1)
Round4(I + 1) = TempRnd4
End If
Next I
Next J
ShowFinishOrder(Names, Round1, Round2, Round3, Round4, _
End Sub
'Display finish order in text box
Private Sub ShowFinishOrder(ByVal name() As String, ByVal Game1() _
As Integer, ByVal Game2() As Integer, ByVal Game3() As Integer, _
ByVal Game4() As Integer, ByVal totscore() As Integer)
Dim I As Integer = 0
For I = 0 To UBound(name)
ListBox1.Items.Add(name(I) & " " & (Game1(I)) & " " & _
(Game2(I)) & " " & (Game3(I)) & " " & (Game4(I)) & _
" " & (totscore(I)))
Next I
End Sub
' Private Sub btnAlphaOrder_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAlphaOrder.Click
' Dim I As Integer = 0
' Dim Temp As Integer
'Dim TempName As String
'Dim TempRnd1 As Integer
' Dim TempRnd2 As Integer
' Dim TempRnd3 As Integer
'Dim TempRnd4 As Integer
' Dim H As Integer
'Dim J As Integer
' For J = 0 To UBound(TotalScore) - 1
' For I = 0 To H
'End Sub
Private Sub btnQuit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnQuit.Click
End Sub
End Class