
Displaying description text (tag´s text) of methods



Hey i hope everyone is doing fine! well friends i have a question regarding the tags which are used for describing the functionality of a method. Normally when tags such as , and so on are used for a method, they r then displayed in a small, yellow pop-up window, by moving the mouse pointer on the method´s name, whereever that specific method is being used in the class. This is the normal procedure. But it unfortunately does not show the tag´s text or comments of the method, when the particular method is specially used in an other class. I have also added the class´s reference in the new project, but due 2 some reason it does not display the tag´s text when i point my mouse on the method´s name, which is being used in the new class project. Can anyone help me out plzz???... My mail id is [email protected] ...wud be very nice of u all..thanxxxx