
Dll creation on server side

P Narasimha

P Narasimha


Hi to All,
Can you anybody help me on this please.
I want to create one dll file for the no of pages in server side.
1.in client side i can send pageno using textbox.
2.on server side i am getting the records from DB and retun as list,from list data i am dividing the no of pages.
3.first time while loading the application Grid have only pageno=0 records should be displayed on the grid,if user can send the pageno=3 or4 etc...then i want to display the respective reords on the grid.
4.if user can send maxpage>pageno from client it will dispaly the empty records in gri.
Please anybody can help me on this.
I have done some code on server side please find Code here attachment.
Advanced Thank you.

Attachment: pagingbl.zip