Doubt in internationalization of web application
i have a web application,in that i developed it to support multiple languages using resource i just did all the UI part using resource the application is running in different languages(hindi,telugu especially.) and showing the UI part in hindi and english correctly.but when i tried to show the alert messgaes(data saved successfully,etc) using "" method it is showing the alert message in window with some boxes.but i want it in hindi and telugu langugaes to do it.please help's urgent requirement.send me reply fast
thanks in advance sir.
thank u for ur immediate reply.but iam developing that iam implementing internationalization.but iam using for coding and asp.net2.0 for design and sqlserver 2005 as backend.Here i have to display the alert messages like "Datasaved successfully" in saparate alert box with specific culture.if my application culture is telugu, this "data saved successfully" message should display in telugu.that is what my doubt acctually sir.please send me the reply as soon as's urgent.