error with long integer type in Access 2000
in recordset on Win 2000 with SP4 and MDAC 2.8 (andWin 98 too) has type of adInteger
already known in earlier versions
no errors on Win XP and Access 2003
need to get this running!
exception text
"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020008): Falscher Variabletyp.
at ADODB.Field.set_Value(Object pvar)
at LongAccessTest.frmTest.btnSave_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in E:\projekte\LongAccessTest\frmTest.vb:line 89"
VB.NET code example:
rs.ActiveConnection = cnn
rs.Open("select field1 from t1", cnn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText)
Dim lngNr As Long = Convert.ToInt64(txtInput.Text)
rs.Fields("field1").Value = lngNr ' this is where the exeption is thrown because of recordset adInteger despite setting db field to long integer
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
how to solve this? didn´t find any update to fix DLL error,
thanks for help