
Expand And View Collapsed in table report using angularjs

Expand And View Collapsed in table report using angularjs
Category 1 (Level 1)
- Subcategory 1 (Level 2)
----Sub-Subcategory 2 (Level 3) 
-----Sub-subcategory 3 (Level 3)
Category 2 (Level 1)
- Subcategory 2 (Level 2)
- Subcategory 3 (Level 2)
-----Sub-subcategory 4 (Level 3)
------Subcategory 5 (Level 3)
Display the Table Format Report
Schedule Name Group Name Ledger Name
+ Employee Benefits + Directors Remuneration -- Bonus
+ Purchases of Rawmaterials +Purchase Expences -- Hyd Shed Maintenance
-- Ban Shed Maintance
-- Che Shed Maintenance
-- Shed Maitenance
Click the +Employee Benefits dispaly the Directord Remuneration in next Collumn and
click +Directord Remuneration Dispaly the Bonus