
Expersion Blend 4 - School Scoreboard using Silverlight 4

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Vinod D

Vinod D

Hi All,

I am vinod & I am a designer, I am learning Silverlight insted flash. I am not good at Programming either flash or silverlight.

So, Here iam asking or seeking help to learn. I hope You Folks can help me on this , I Have designed a scoreboard using blend 4. Here is the screen shot

1. A Dropdown have Year & Month
2. A Slider with Callout (Integrated to Thumb using style is done) contorlls from Dropdown
3. A Datagrid Having Headers Name, Standard, Grade, Percentage
4. A Column Chart with Percentage in Y-axis and Year in X-axis

These are all depend on Slider when user drag the Slider. Chart and Datagrid info will change. If i select A row detail in Datagrid Chart will show the deatils of the particular row.
ex: vinod, from year 2002 to 2004 is scored 45 to 80 percentage.

So, What you folks want to say, Is that difficult to do this through Blend 4 with out doing code behind. if No, can ready to help me..

thanks for reading this,
Thanks and greatly appreciate for early responses.

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