
Expersion Blend 4 - School Scoreboard using Silverlight 4

Vinod D

Vinod D

Hi All,

I am vinod & I am a designer, I am learning Silverlight insted flash. I am not good at Programming either flash or silverlight.

So, Here iam asking or seeking help to learn. I hope You Folks can help me on this , I Have designed a scoreboard using blend 4. Here is the screen shot

1. A Dropdown have Year & Month
2. A Slider with Callout (Integrated to Thumb using style is done) contorlls from Dropdown
3. A Datagrid Having Headers Name, Standard, Grade, Percentage
4. A Column Chart with Percentage in Y-axis and Year in X-axis

These are all depend on Slider when user drag the Slider. Chart and Datagrid info will change. If i select A row detail in Datagrid Chart will show the deatils of the particular row.
ex: vinod, from year 2002 to 2004 is scored 45 to 80 percentage.

So, What you folks want to say, Is that difficult to do this through Blend 4 with out doing code behind. if No, can ready to help me..

thanks for reading this,
Thanks and greatly appreciate for early responses.
Answers (1)
ashish jaiman

ashish jaiman

NA 60 0 14y

you can learn a lot from the tutorials here