
Exporting Data to Excel worksheet

Mckynde Gizmo

Mckynde Gizmo

I wrote a program that import data from a user specified excel worksheet, performe some calculations on it and then returns it back to thesame worksheet. It worked quite well, then i was on windows 7. But now am on windos 8, i try to run the code again but it gives me error "HRESULT". Please what could have caused this? Could the windows be responsible for this? I use visual studio 2010, .Net 4.0
When it run and reach the code below it throws an uncaught exception HRESULT
//I have declared worksheet appropriately and
//decleared 'i' as integer and using for loop
//statement to iterate through each row of the
worksheet.cell[2, H].Value = dataGridview.Rows[i].Cell[0].Value;
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