

Andrey Saveliev

Andrey Saveliev

New version of lead product of Fast Reports for .Net-platform FastReport .Net 1.1 released!

What is new?

Version 1.1
! + added new UI styles - Office2007Blue, Office2007Silver, Office2007Black, VistaGlass.
You can choose the designer and the preview form appearance using the EnvironmentSettings
component (its UIStyle property)
! + added CSV export
! + added Text/Dot-matrix export
! + added Designer.exe and Viewer.exe end-user applications

+ added DesignerControl control
+ added the "Format Painter" command to the standard toolbar
+ added two new system variables - "TotalPage#" and "Page#"
+ added design-time support for BindingSource
+ added the property "RTFExport.ImageFormat"
+ added export of LineObject and ShapeObject (Rectangle) in Html, OpenOffice, RichText, Excel, PDF
+ added HideIfNoData, NoDataText properties to BarcodeObject
+ added new demo project - MdiDesigner
+ added "Table/Fit Dynamic Table To Page" report
+ added "Dialogs/Cascaded Data Filtering" report
+ added "Interactive Reports/Interactive Matrix With Chart" report
+ added "Dialogs/Labels With Dialog" report
+ added Chinese (simplified) localization
+ added Arabic localization
* MSChart object moved to main FastReport.dll, no need to plug-in it anymore
* FastReport.Dock library now replaced with FastReport.Bars
- fixed bug with designer in Vista 64-bit
- fixed bug with subreport & breaked band
- fixed Matrix object bug (break spanned cell)
- fixed bug with creating an event handler for multiple selected objects
- fixed bug in PDF export with right border of table object
- fixed focus lost when closing the preview window
- fixed error with text justification
- fixed error in data window (when you pass bad DataRelation object)
- fixed bug in VS IDE (designer silently closes after you close the preview)
- fixed bug with clipboard keys in TextObject in-place edit mode
- fixed bug with MS SQL guid-type parameter
- fix in business objects processing
- fixed bug with subreport's PrintOnParent
- fixed issue with printing static & dynamic TableObjects on the same band
- fixed bug with report parameters
- fixed bug with SQL parameters
- fixed duplicate table names issue
- fixed TableRow, TableColumn "Visible" property
- fixed Matrix "Count" function
- fixed bug with TableObject break
- fixed bug with relations and empty data columns
- fixed rotation of text in Excel(xml), RichText, OpenOffice, HTML and PDF formats
- fixed bug with subreport and "RepeatOnEveryPage" flag
- fixed bug with inserting items of "generic" data type from "Data" window to a script
- fixed bug with incorrect escaping of "Script" node content in the .frx file
- fixed bug with delays in the designer when selecting a lot of objects

FastReport .Net - FastReport.Net is a full-featured reporting solution
for Windows Forms and ASP.NET. It can be used in Microsoft Visual
Studio 2005 and 2008. It is compatible with .NET Framework 2.0 and
Main features:
- own report visual advanced report designer. It does not depend on
development environment and can be integrated to end-users' applycation.
- special optimized for corporate heavy load, big data mining
processing and preparing really big reports.
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