
FAX Sending through network FAX enables machine with modem & phone line.

Mehran Gul

Mehran Gul

I have a desktop C#.net applicaton and it works fine while sending fax from the same machine where the fax modem is installed and phone line is connected, my requirement is that i want to send the fax from another machine connected to this macine via LAN. (Office local network, might be via VPN).

Can anyone give some directions on how to make it possible. (I dont want a restriction on clients to have Windows Server, nighther i  want FOIP.) I want a solution like "Active Fax Server VS Active Fax Client" www.actfax.com/

Is there some SDK or thrid party software availaible which can provide such services and also provides SDK for intergration? If not, how can i program such schenerio.