
file comression

hai friends,
I want compress a PDF file of size 30.9MB to few 100KB, by using codes in C#.NET

FileStream sourceFileStream = File.OpenRead(@"D:\CMS\newsample.pdf");

FileStream destFileStream = File.Create(@"D:\ newsample_new.pdf");

GZipStream compressingStream = new GZipStream(destFileStream, CompressionMode.Compress);

byte[] bytes = new byte[2800];

int bytesRead;

while ((bytesRead = sourceFileStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0)


compressingStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);





 I use this code to compress the file but the compressed file size is 30.1MB only. Please tell me what is the change that I want to do in these code to get the above size or if there is any other option to done this compress process, please tell me 
thanks in advance 
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