
Filling data grid view

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anuradha shiv

anuradha shiv


I have a problem with updating my datagridview using data table . I am unable to get the select statement right .. Could some one help please
This is my xml fragment in question
<TestSuite> <TestGroup ID="1001" Description="Group1" ErrorCondition="Skip">
<TestCase ID="1001" Description="CT">
<TestStep Command="SetCT" ID="" Description="Set CT">
  <Parameter Name="setCTRatio" Value="8232" Direction="Write" />



<TestStep Command="ReadCT" ID="" Description="Get CT">
  <Parameter Name="getCTRatio" Direction="Read" />



  <ValidationCriteria>if setCTRatio == getCTRatio testResult.valid = true else testResult.valid = false end</ValidationCriteria>

  <ValidationError />



As u see there can be many test steps to each test case and each of the test steps has its own set of data .
I want to get the parameters pertaining to a test step that is clicked .
The data structure would be like this
Table "Parameters"
TestStep_Id Parameters_Id
0 0
1 1
Table Parameter
Parameters_Id Name Direction
0 A B
0 C D
1 E F
So if i clicked on TestStep "0" , then the query must pick up Parameters_Id from the table "Parameters" and retrieve only those rows of "Parameter" where Paramters_Id = "0";
I hope i am clear

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